Create your own deck by forking a copy of this github gist:
Or, by placing any valid Revealjs <section> tag content into a fresh gist.
When you're ready to view your slides, grab your github gist id and add it to the end of this url:
Reveal.js is a framework You'll need a browser with support for CSS 3D transforms to see it's full capabilities.
for easily crafting
beautiful presentations
There is a lot of great information about using Reveal.js in the project's README page on GitHub.
Their original slide deck sample conent also contains a lot of great examples.
To create a kubernetes deployment and NodePort service, both named gist-reveal, run:
kubectl run gist-reveal --image=ryanj/gist-reveal \
--expose --port=8080 --service-overrides='{ "spec": { "type": "NodePort" } }' \
Minikube users should be able to open the new service in their browser by running:
minikube service gist-reveal
Start up a local development server on port 8080:
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 ryanj/gist-reveal
Configure the default gist_id:
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -e "DEFAULT_GIST=af84d40e58c5c2a908dd" ryanj/gist-reveal
Include your own GitHub application keys if you plan on making more than 60 requests in 2 hours:
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -e "GH_CLIENT_SECRET=11becbb840e0ff7414b19104e9e797556498fc3f" -e "GH_CLIENT_ID=639ffe9fd9dcc4f6eb4b" ryanj/gist-reveal
Include your own GA-TRACKER key:
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -e "GA_TRACKER=UA-12345678" ryanj/gist-reveal
docker run -e "REVEAL_SOCKET_SECRET=0P3N-S0URC3" ryanj/gist-reveal
Configure your browser as a presentation device by setting the same key in your browser's localStorage
Be sure to use two different devices or brower types when testing your broadcasting relay
(FireFox vs. Chrome, desktop vs. mobile, etc.)