presented by @ryanj, Developer Advocate at Red Hat

The Kubernetes Community is Terrible at Pitching Kubernetes to Developers
## Why?
# Kubernetes (an ops tool)

When used as directed, provides relief for the following:

  1. standardized terminology & packaging - containers, volumes, podspecs, charts
  2. load balancing - services
  3. scaling automation - replica sets
  4. delivery automation - deployments
  5. high availability - automated health checking and replacement
  6. distributed scheduling and resource management - RBAC, namespaces, labels, federation
  7. ???

What is an App?

  1. repo code
  2. docker image
  3. kubernetes spec files
  4. charts
  5. kubectl get all -l app=myapp -n mynamespace

Proposal: Label Recommendations

### How should we be talking to Developers about # Kubernetes?
Q: Why Kubernetes?
A: Development Velocity

A Case Study: Enterprise Records, Inc.

The Ops team has heard great things about Kubernetes, and is interested in giving it a try - but they're having difficulty convincing other teams of the value

Product team needs:


(always more)

The web team is confused by all the new terminology, and is under a lot of pressure to focus on delivering new tracks to customers

Convincing the team (minimal onboarding):

  1. Getting started is easy
  2. Share what you know (and model your I/O)
  3. Choose the right toolchain
# 1. The Easy Part is minikube start
* Staging down? * Ops not Ready? No Excuses!
# !!Everyone get a K8s!!


# 2. Share What You Know and model your I/O
### Share What You Know `--dry-run` Generate kubernetes `deployment` and `service` specifications, both named `metrics-review`: ```bash kubectl run metrics-review \ --expose --port=2015 --service-overrides='{ "spec": { "type": "NodePort" } }' \ --dry-run -o yaml > metrics-review.yaml ```
### Share What You Know `--dry-run` Test your generated spec: ```bash kubectl create -f metrics-review.yaml ``` Minikube users will be able to open the resulting service in their browser by running: ```bash minikube service metrics-review ```
## Model Your I/O
### Example Repo Create a local clone of this `metrics-k8s` repo: ```bash git clone ```
### Preview - local files Next, share your local repo contents with minikube: ```bash cd metrics-k8s minikube mount $(pwd):/var/www/html ```
### Preview - hostPath Then, produce a new deployment spec that includes (minimal) support for live development workflows: 1. `cp metrics-review.yaml metrics-dev.yaml` 2. replace `metrics-review` with `metrics-dev` (global) 2. Add a `hostPort` volume to access your local repo: ```diff spec: containers: - image: name: metrics-dev ports: - containerPort: 2015 resources: {} + volumeMounts: + - mountPath: /var/www/html + name: metrics-src + volumes: + - name: metrics-src + hostPath: + path: /var/www/html status: {} ```
### Share what you know The resulting file should look just like the included [metrics-dev.yaml]( file from the `metrics-k8s` git repo. Try launching it with: ```bash kubectl create -f metrics-dev.yaml ```
### Share what you know - Rollout Testing Eval this ```bash minikube docker-env ``` to send newly-built images to minikube's docker daemon: ```bash docker build . ```
# 3. The Hard Part Keeping it simple, and choosing the right tools for the job

The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed. (W.Gibson)

Typical container adoption path:

  1. docker
  2. volumes, PVs
  3. minikube
  4. k8s modeling and scalability via spec files, pods, and other abstractions
  5. charts, openshift templates, or hand-rolled manifest / spec templating
  6. monocular, kubeapps, ServiceCatalog
  7. PaaS?


Make it easy to get started


Share what you know

Helm & Tiller

Share more

Brigade and Kashti

Build more


Build more


Access more

minishift and oc

Security Enhanced Kubernetes

Easy, right?

## More Learning Opportunities 1. Tutorials 2. Katacoda 4. RyanJ's K8s-workshops 3. Interactive learning for OpenShift:

Include the whole team:

  • Developers: Want to get ahead? Model your I/O, and Share What You Know!
  • Architects: Figure out who owns manifest creation, maintanence, and distribution
  • QA folks: look forward to saying: "can't repro - works fine on my Kubernetes"
  • Ops: provide cloud resources grants to teams, make sure prod has enough IaaS, ensure platform uptime, upgrades, logging, and metrics
  • Security & Compliance: RBAC, config and secrets management; Secret rotation policies; Monitor for CVEs and apply security patches from upstream

Join the community on Slack in #kubernetes-users, and in #SIG-Apps!

Share What You Know: Help us develop a range of solutions that expose and/or hide kubernetes in appropriate ways

Learn to deliver consistently using containers

Choose the right tools for the job

then get back to making gold records

Thank You!


Runs on Kubernetes Presented by: @ryanj