


featuring npm, grunt, yeoman, bower, and more!

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#Agenda 1. [npm](#npm) 2. [grunt](#grunt) 3. [yeoman](#yeoman) 4. [bower](#bower) 5. [demo](#mean-stack) 6. [and MORE!](#new-tools)
### Requirements: `npm` provides an easy way to install your javascript build tools: npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli
![npm]( [](
## package everything package.json [package.json spec](
install `dependencies`: npm install --production install `dependencies` && `devDependencies`: npm install
### Saving dependencies Saving `dependencies`: npm install --save MODULE_NAME Saving `dev-dependencies`: npm install --save-dev MODULE_NAME
Start your webserver: npm start Runs whatever you define in `scripts.start`
`node_modules` When to check your [`node_modules` into git]( (mikeal)
## grunt ![grunt]( [Grunt]( The Javascript task runner npm install --save-dev grunt
### using grunt Watch your files and automatically reload your webserver when needed: grunt serve Combine and minify your client side sources: grunt build
# OR
## npm run `npm` is also a task runner! Task Automation with [npm run]( (substack)
![browserify]( ![browserify]( [Browserify]( lets you `require('modules')` in the browser by bundling up All of your dependencies. npm install -g browserify
## yeoman Scaffolding for Javascript ![yeoman]( [Yeoman]( npm install -g yo
## angular-fullstack Testing out the top community-maintained generator: npm install -g generator-angular-fullstack [](
# MEAN stack ![MEAN stack]( [Yeoman serves up a real MEAN stack](
## bower client side dependency management []( ![bower](
## rework `rework` or `npm-rework-cli` [rework]( `@import` css from a node module
### resin / resinate [resinate]( `@import` css from a node module, pre-processing
## New Stuff It's hip to be a stream
[]( ![gasket](
***Thanks for following along!*** link to slides: [](
Runs on Kubernetes Presented by: @ryanj